Tuesday, January 27, 2009

With Thanks for Service and Support

When my brother-in-law introduced me to Memoir '44 in June 2007, I was amazed by the game play and intrigued by the theme of World War II. I poured over every historical background in the base game and wondered how historical the battles really were. That weekend started a journey that my wife may never forgive her brother for.

I bought Memoir '44 and began reading everything I could find on World War II. I soon discovered that the game was designed around real events, which only served to increase my interest. In the fall of 2007 I taught my 3rd grade students how to play Memoir '44 and during the year we played three tournaments at lunch recess. This year I once again taught my 3rd graders how to play Memoir '44 but also received a grant from Teach American History in the fall of 2008 to buy the materials to start my History Club (only a year after introducing the game to my '07-'08 class for the first time). Thirteen of my students from last year joined the club and another just signed up last week. Their excitement and dedication is the reason I created the History Club.

Although the Memoir '44 History Club was my idea, there are many people who have helped me make this project a reality. The Teach American History committee provided the funding for the club and Grace Nielsen is responsible for the research material. Malcolm Green of Vancouver, BC, is helping get the word out about the History Club in the Memoir '44 community and Steven E. from Irvine, California has made a generous donation of material and time. Charles Cabell of Fort Mill, South Carolina is our first financial contributor and continues to search for other people interested in being part of our support base through his Facebook group and other contacts. Edward J. Kemp from San Diego, California, has offered to support the History Club through his skills and time. Ed is also responsible for helping me create the Jewell Expeditionary Force (J.E.F.), a support team with details coming soon. Finally, I would like to thank Eric Hautemont and the Days of Wonder team for their support and help. I salute all of you for the service and support you've given the Memoir '44 History Club here in Bend, Oregon.

The interest and excitement from Memoir '44 fans from across the world is also overwhelming. Thank you for your support!

Jesse Rasmussen
3rd Grade Teacher and Memoir '44 History Club Director
Bend, Oregon

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